Medical, Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Blog

Positional vertigo is dizziness or unsteadiness caused by head motion. Vertigo can affect 15-20% of adults and account for about 25% of dizziness complaints. It is caused by the loosening and dislodgement of the crystals (otoconia) into the semicircular canals of your inner ear. This debris disrupts the flow of fluid which causes your brain to misinterpret head motion, causing dizziness. More and more studies are proving a correlation between the recurrence of vertigo and Vitamin D deficiency. V… Read More

Here are the major contributions to heart disease:Smoking: Increases the plaque in your blood vessels. This makes your heart have to work harder to pump less volume. Chemicals in cigarettes can also thicken blood and result in clots in veins and arteries which can lead to stroke.High Blood Pressure: High BP can lead to vision loss, stroke, heart attack or heart failure. Seek out medical guidance for control. High Cholesterol: With high cholesterol, you can develop fatty deposits in your blood ve… Read More

Having low back pain during pregnancy is very common- and it’s no wonder why- the body has so many changes that happen quite quickly. During pregnancy, a woman’s uterus expands for the growing baby causing an increase in weight and a change in their center of gravity. When more weight is located near the abdomen, this leads to posture changes. Due to the change in center of gravity, many pregnant women compensate by arching their back more, causing increased pressure and strain on the muscles, l… Read More

A common condition that we see in the office is the lower crossed syndrome, which is often the result of prolonged sitting leading to muscular imbalance. These days, especially as we see the shift to more working from home jobs, many career options involve a lot of sedentary time in front of a computer. Unfortunately, this increased inactivity can cause the weak muscles to continue to get weaker and the tight muscles to shorten and tighten up even further. Lower crossed syndrome occurs as th… Read More

While the beginning of this winter provided sunny skies and warm temperatures, the colder weather is coming and quite possibly staying. With colder weather comes potential changes in pain. Many patients notice that their pain increases when the temperature drops or a storm comes in. While there is no one known cause to the changes in pain with new seasons, there are many possible explanations as to why.It is known that a drop in barometric pressure causes the muscles, tendons, and tissues to exp… Read More

Plantar Fasciitis

Jan 03, 2022
One of the most common foot conditions we see in our office is plantar fasciitis. This is a condition in which an individual typically presents with heel pain, described as sharp or stabbing. The pain is usually worst first thing in the morning, but is also painful with long periods of standing or going from seated to a standing position. Plantar fasciitis is defined as inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of tissue that spans the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes… Read More

What is a concussion? The ICD-10 is a system of codes that we as practitioners use to diagnose injuries and ailments. According to this system a concussion is categorized as a mild traumatic brain injury. It is mild in that it is usually not life threatening. However, symptoms can be debilitating. You do not necessarily have to have an impact to your head to result in a concussion. A concussion happens when the head and the body move in such a great force to cause shear of the brain inside the s… Read More

Arvada Sport and Spine Group has a new tool for those suffering from neck pain, headaches, and other upper cross symptoms. The newest addition to our office is the Aspen Vista Cervical Collar. This collar is intended to help support you by creating a more natural curve in your neck. The collar does this by retracting your neck and begins to aid in engaging muscles in the neck that can weaken over time. The collar can also help take off stress from your cervical vertebra, discs, and nerves which … Read More

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is one of the many exciting treatment options that we offer at Arvada Sport and Spine group. There are many different conditions that respond well to PRP therapy including, rotator cuff/shoulder problems, knee pain, hip pain, elbow pain, injuries to tendons and ligaments. A few weekends ago Dr. Welling and NP Karin went to Chattanooga, TN to learn more about the technique and wanted to share some information about the treatment process.THE PROCESSPRP is derived from… Read More

Disc herniations occur when a disc, the rubbery cushion between your vertebra, is injured in some way and the nucleus, or center, pushes out through a tear in the annulus, which is the tough circular exterior of the disc. This herniation, which can occur anywhere throughout the spine, can irritate a nearby nerve and lead to pain, numbness, or weakness in the extremities. Herniations in your cervical spine, or neck, lead to these symptoms in your arms while herniations in your lumbar spine, or lo… Read More