Frozen Shoulder

Mar 15, 2023

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that affects the shoulder joint. Typical symptoms include pain and stiffness in the shoulder, which tends to worsen with time and begins to severely limit the motion of the shoulder joint.

Frozen shoulder is a result from when the capsule around the shoulder becomes inflamed. The shoulder capsule is a fluid-filled sac that helps lubricate the joint. It involves connective tissue that holds the bones, ligaments, and tendons together. When it becomes inflamed, the capsule becomes tight and thick, making it very difficult to move the shoulder.

The exact cause of frozen shoulder is not well understood, but it can result from when the shoulder joint is not used regularly, such as after a period of immobilization, injury, surgery, or even with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or heart disease. There also appears to be a correlation between menopause and frozen shoulder developing in women, after the rapid decline in estrogen.

There are typically three stages of a frozen shoulder: the “freezing” stage, where the shoulder becomes increasingly painful and stiff; the “frozen” stage, where the pain may decrease, but the shoulder remains stiff; and the “thawing” stage, where the range of motion gradually returns to the shoulder.

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