Migraine Headaches - How We Can Help

Oct 04, 2022

Headaches can be a real pain, especially when it comes to migraines. Here are a few facts that can clue you in on whether you are experiencing a migraine.

While many people suffer from migraines, their cause isn’t fully known- It is thought that genetics and environment do play a role. Genetically, migraines often run in the family, but are more common in women. A number of triggers also play a role including hormonal changes, sleep changes, foods, drinks, increased physical activity, and medications and can all cause a migraine to begin. For women, migraine headaches can begin near menstruation, during pregnancy, or menopause due to hormonal changes.

Here’s how migraines differ from other types of headaches:

o Can have nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, sensitivity to light, visual symptoms (double vision, blurred vision, etc.)
o There are up to 4 phases for a migraine

  • Prodrome- You might notice some changes that can clue you in that a migraine is coming on. Individuals may notice mood changes, cravings, neck stiffness, or constipation hours to days before the headache begins.
  • Aura- Some people have auras when they are experiencing a migraine, but not all. People may notice visual changes such as seeing flashes of lights, seeing shapes, or losing vision. Sensory and motor symptoms can present as difficulty speaking, weakness/numbness on one side of the body or face, and pins and needle feeling in the extremities.
  • Headache- A migraine presents usually as throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. An individual can also have sensitivity to light/sound/smell or nausea and vomiting.
  • Postdrome- The migraine has gone away, but individuals can feel fatigue and confusion for approximately 1 day after.

    We often have great success helping people reduce the frequency and intensity of their migraine headaches. For instance, one of the things that is very helpful is dry needling around the jaw. Come consult with us about your migraine so we can assess it and find a possible solution for you.
