Holiday Recipes

Pumpkin Tarts


1 IP Maple Oatmeal
1 egg white
1 to 1 ½ oz water


Pre-heat the over to 350°F. Mix the packet of IP Maple Oatmeal with the egg white and water, just enough for a stiff but manageable dough to form. Lightly coat mini-muffin tin with non-stick spray. Moisten hands (if you don't the dough will stick) and form little balls using approx 2 - 3 tsp of dough. Place one dough ball in each baking cup. Press dough down as thinly as possible across the bottom and the sides forming a little "cup." The dough will poof a little during baking. Bake for approx. 5 min or longer, if necessary. Cool on a wire rack. Fill with unsweetened pumpkin or Walden Farms jelly.